السبت، 3 يونيو 2017

how to speak english

The only way to speak a language is to OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SAY SOMETHING.

I'm not joking or playing word games here. I'm serious.
Stop telling everyone how you're too old, that you don't have time, that you aren't naturally talented, you aren't “ready” yet because you don't have any words or comfortable conversation fillers, or that you are too shy.
The only way you will speak a language and make progress in speaking it faster and better is if you practise speaking it a lot. Maybe speaking isn't your priority – that's fine, but if it is say something. Now.
All auxiliary tasks can help move you in the right direction, but will not ultimately help you speak unless you find a native, put yourself in front of them and force yourself to start to communicate. Try your best, make mistakes, and enjoy actually using your language with a human being.
It's the only “method” that is guaranteed to produce results.
Before you start thinking too much about why it's impossible, go out and give it a try. It won't be perfect, but you will have spoken the language. With lots of practice, soon you will be doing it much more confidently.

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