الجمعة، 2 يونيو 2017

How to Delete Telegram Account Permanently (Deactivate)

The removal process is simple. But it can be done only from the computer. To do this: Go to the deactivation page. It is located at: https://my.telegram.org/auth?to=deactivate; 


 On this page will be a reminder to restore your account will already be impossible, and also a field for entering the telephone number. Of course, you need to enter that number, which was registered account; Your phone will receive an SMS with a special code. This code is also entered into the field – and appears again a warning message; at this stage the user can still change your mind to delete your account. If the solution was solid – you need to agree. Done, Telegram account removed. Read more: https://techfaqs.net/articles/how-to-delete-or-deactivate-a-telegram-account/

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