الثلاثاء، 6 يونيو 2017

why not eat pork

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There are many religions that specifically forbid the consumption of pork, a meat that is considered unclean. Is there a reason for this? Is there more to this religious teaching that we should all be aware of?
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Science now suggests there are some very practical reasons why people were wise to avoid pork. Pigs are scavengers by nature, which means that they will eat almost anything, including rotten food, faeces, urine, carcasses, and even cancerous growths. Unfortunately, their digestive systems are incapable of effectively removing these accumulated toxins from their bodies, because a pig will digest its food entirely in about four hours. This is simply not long enough to remove the excess toxins that were ingested, which means these toxins are then stored directly in the pig’s fat cells and organs.
“Sweating like a pig” yet? Ironically enough, pigs do not have sweat glands, which means they can’t remove excess toxins by sweating (like we do). These two factors make pork meat inherently more toxic to consume, and in our current environment, we really don’t need to expose our bodies to even more toxins if we don’t have to.
According to an investigation by Consumer Reports, 69% of all raw pork samples tested (of about 200 samples) were contaminated with a dangerous bacteria known as Yersinia enteroclitica. This bacteria can cause fever, gastrointestinal illness, diarrhea, vomiting, and cramps.
Ground pork was more likely to be contaminated than pork chops, and also tested positive for other contaminants, including a controversial drug called ractopamine, which is banned in China and Europe. Many of the bacteria found in the pork were actually resistant to multiple antibiotics, which means, if you were to get sick, treatment would be difficult.
According to the report: “We found salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, or listeria monocytogenes, more common causes of foodborne illness, in 3 to 7 percent of samples. And 11 percent harbored enterococcus, which can indicate fecal contamination and can cause problems such as urinary-tract infections.”
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Pigs are host to a number of parasites, viruses, and other organisms, many of which can be directly transmitted to humans. Some include:
  • Taenia solium — an intestinal parasite that can cause tissue infection and loss of appetite.
  • Menangle virus — a virus that can cause fever, chills, rashes, headaches, and sweating.
  • Trichinella — a parasitic roundworm that can cause edema, myalgia, fever, and malaise.
  • Hepatitis E – A viral inflammation that can cause fatigue, nausea, and jaundice. More severe cases can lead to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.
The study does indicate that if you cook pork properly, you can reduce the risk of the these parasites affecting you, but there is no guaranteed temperature for safety when it comes to pork.
If you still choose to consume pork, follow the below guidelines to increase safety.
As issued by Consumer Reports:
  • When cooking pork, use a meat thermometer to ensure that it reaches the proper internal temperature, which kills potentially harmful bacteria: at least 145° F for whole pork and 160° F for ground pork.
  • Keep raw pork and its juices separate from other foods, especially those eaten raw, such as salad.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat.
  • Choose pork and other meat products that were raised without drugs. One way to do that is to buy certified organic pork, from pigs raised without antibiotics or ractopamine.
  • Look for a clear statement regarding antibiotic use. “No antibiotics used” claims with a USDA Process Verified shield are more reliable than those without verification. Labels such as “Animal Welfare Approved” and “Certified Humane” indicate the prudent use of antibiotics to treat illness.
  • Watch out for misleading labels. “Natural” has nothing to do with antibiotic use or how an animal was raised. We found unapproved claims, including “no antibiotic residues,” on packages of Sprouts pork sold in California and Arizona, and “no antibiotic growth promotants” on Farmland brand pork sold in several states. We reported those to the USDA in June 2012, and the agency told us it’s working with those companies to take “appropriate actions.” When we checked in early November, Sprouts had removed the claim from its packages.

What About Organic, Pasture-Raised Pork?

While this pork is obviously going to be much better for you to consume, it can be difficult to find, and still poses certain health concerns. Pasture-raised pork is highly susceptible to Trichinella spiralis infection, also known as the “pork worm.” Trichinella is one of the most widespread parasites in the whole world, and though it can be killed in the cooking process, one has to follow guidelines closely to make sure the meat is cooked through.
It is said that pork can be a “healthy” meat, but this entirely depends on how it was raised. Most, if not all, of the pork we consume is factory farmed. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So for most all industrially raised pork, I believe there is enough scientific evidence to justify the reservations or outright prohibitions in many cultures against consuming it. Nearly all pigs raised in the U.S. come from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, or CAFO’s. These inhumane environments are typically toxic breeding grounds for pathogens.
These animals spend their short, miserable lives on concrete and steel grates. Antibiotics are given liberally with their feed, making their massive waste even more toxic.
This is why you can smell a CAFO swine operation miles before you see it. At an operation like Joel Salatin’s, you couldn’t smell any sign of pigs. These pigs were raised humanely and organically, where both animal and land are managed symbiotically.
Unfortunately, raising animals in CAFO’s is the standard for Americans. For many of us, CAFO pork is the only option available.
This is why my nutrition plan recommends consciously avoiding pork whenever possible unless you can assure yourself that the hogs were raised like the video above. Granted, the occasional consumption of pork might be fine, but it’s a risk, and the more you consume it the more likely it is that you will eventually acquire some type of infection.

If the Pressing Health Concerns Aren’t Enough…

It’s a sad fact that 97% of all pigs in the United States today are raised in factory farms. This means that these pigs will never get to run on grass, breathe fresh air, or play in the sun. They are cramped and crowded into huge warehouses and fed a diet largely consisting of drugs and antibiotics to keep them alive and to encourage rapid growth.

الاثنين، 5 يونيو 2017

why is exercise important

Helps Prevent Diseases

Our bodies were meant to move -- they actually crave exercise. Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. It can improve your appearance and delay the aging process.

Improves Stamina

When you exercise, your body uses energy to keep going. Aerobic exercise involves continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and bicycling. It improves your stamina by training your body to become more efficient and use less energy for the same amount of work. As your conditioning level improves, your heart rate and breathing rate return to resting levels much sooner from strenuous activity.

Strengthens and Tones

Exercising with weights and other forms of resistance training develops your muscles, bones and ligaments for increased strength and endurance. Your posture can be improved, and your muscles become more firm and toned. You not only feel better, but you look better, too!

Enhances Flexibility

Stretching exercises are also important for good posture. They keep your body limber so that you can bend, reach and twist. Improving your flexibility through exercise reduces the chance of injury and improves balance and coordination. If you have stiff, tense areas, such as the upper back or neck, performing specific stretches can help "loosen" those muscles, helping you feel more relaxed.

Controls Weight

Exercise is also a key to weight control because it burns calories. If you burn off more calories than you take in, you lose weight. It's as simple as that.

Improves Quality of Life

Once you begin to exercise regularly, you will discover many more reasons why exercise is so important to improving the quality of your life. Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods, and helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeling younger throughout your entire life.

How Often Should I Exercise?

The benefits of any exercise program will diminish if it's disrupted too frequently. A "stop-start" routine is not only ineffective, but can cause injuries. Being consistent with exercise, therefore, is probably the most important factor in achieving desired results.
People often assume that more is better. Wrong! Doing too much too soon or performing intense exercises on a daily basis will have deleterious effects, such as muscle/tendon strains, loss of lean tissue, and fitness-level plateaus.


If you are a beginner, start off slower than you think you should. Three days per week is realistic, safe and effective. If you are experienced, do cardiovascular (aerobic) exercises such as walking, jogging and bicycling for no more than 200 minutes per week with no more than 60 minutes per session.

Lifting Weights

Weight training should be done no more than three times per week targeting the same muscle groups. Exercise the same muscle groups on non-consecutive days because muscles need adequate time to recover and cannot be effectively trained if they are tired or sore.


Many people forget to stretch or make the excuse that they don't have the time. Flexibility is important, so make the time! Stretching can be done every day, but stick to a minimum of three times per week in order to reap the benefits. When the body is warmed up, such as after a workout session, perform five to 10 stretches that target the major muscle groups. Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds.

how to dont

it is simple just that every one that you care about him will hurt you

how to make report

Some academic assignments ask for a ‘report’, rather than an essay, and students are often confused about what that really means.
Likewise, in business, confronted with a request for a ‘report’ to a senior manager, many people struggle to know what to write.
Confusion often arises about the writing style, what to include, the language to use, the length of the document and other factors.
This page aims to disentangle some of these elements, and provide you with some advice designed to help you to write a good report.

What is a Report?

In academia there is some overlap between reports and essays, and the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but reports are more likely to be needed for business, scientific and technical subjects, and in the workplace.
Whereas an essay presents arguments and reasoning, a report concentrates on facts.
Essentially, a report is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. It generally sets outs and analyses a situation or problem, often making recommendations for future action. It is a factual paper, and needs to be clear and well-structured.
Requirements for the precise form and content of a report will vary between organisation and departments and in study between courses, from tutor to tutor, as well as between subjects, so it’s worth finding out if there are any specific guidelines before you start.

Reports may contain some or all of the following elements:

  • A description of a sequence of events or a situation;
  • Some interpretation of the significance of these events or situation, whether solely your own analysis or informed by the views of others, always carefully referenced of course (see our page on Academic Referencing for more information);
  • An evaluation of the facts or the results of your research;
  • Discussion of the likely outcomes of future courses of action;
  • Your recommendations as to a course of action; and
  • Conclusions.
Not all of these elements will be essential in every report.
If you’re writing a report in the workplace, check whether there are any standard guidelines or structure that you need to use.
For example, in the UK many government departments have outline structures for reports to ministers that must be followed exactly.

Sections and Numbering

A report is designed to lead people through the information in a structured way, but also to enable them to find the information that they want quickly and easily.
Reports usually, therefore, have numbered sections and subsections, and a clear and full contents page listing each heading. It follows that page numbering is important.
Modern word processors have features to add tables of contents (ToC) and page numbers as well as styled headings; you should take advantage of these as they update automatically as you edit your report, moving, adding or deleting sections.

Report Writing

Getting Started: prior preparation and planning

The structure of a report is very important to lead the reader through your thinking to a course of action and/or decision. It’s worth taking a bit of time to plan it out beforehand.

Step 1: Know your brief

You will usually receive a clear brief for a report, including what you are studying and for whom the report should be prepared.
First of all, consider your brief very carefully and make sure that you are clear who the report is for (if you're a student then not just your tutor, but who it is supposed to be written for), and why you are writing it, as well as what you want the reader to do at the end of reading: make a decision or agree a recommendation, perhaps.

Step 2: Keep your brief in mind at all times

During your planning and writing, make sure that you keep your brief in mind: who are you writing for, and why are you writing?
All your thinking needs to be focused on that, which may require you to be ruthless in your reading and thinking. Anything irrelevant should be discarded.
As you read and research, try to organise your work into sections by theme, a bit like writing a Literature Review.
Make sure that you keep track of your references, especially for academic work. Although referencing is perhaps less important in the workplace, it’s also important that you can substantiate any assertions that you make so it’s helpful to keep track of your sources of information.

The Structure of a Report

Like the precise content, requirements for structure vary, so do check what’s set out in any guidance.
However, as a rough guide, you should plan to include at the very least an executive summary, introduction, the main body of your report, and a section containing your conclusions and any recommendations.

Executive Summary

The executive summary or abstract, for a scientific report, is a brief summary of the contents. It’s worth writing this last, when you know the key points to draw out. It should be no more than half a page to a page in length.
Remember the executive summary is designed to give busy 'executives' a quick summary of the contents of the report.


The introduction sets out what you plan to say and provides a brief summary of the problem under discussion. It should also touch briefly on your conclusions.

Report Main Body

The main body of the report should be carefully structured in a way that leads the reader through the issue.
You should split it into sections using numbered sub-headings relating to themes or areas for consideration. For each theme, you should aim to set out clearly and concisely the main issue under discussion and any areas of difficulty or disagreement. It may also include experimental results. All the information that you present should be related back to the brief and the precise subject under discussion.
If it’s not relevant, leave it out.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The conclusion sets out what inferences you draw from the information, including any experimental results. It may include recommendations, or these may be included in a separate section.
Recommendations suggest how you think the situation could be improved, and should be specific, achievable and measurable. If your recommendations have financial implications, you should set these out clearly, with estimated costs if possible.

A Word on Writing Style

When writing a report, your aim should be to be absolutely clear. Above all, it should be easy to read and understand, even to someone with little knowledge of the subject area.
You should therefore aim for crisp, precise text, using plain English, and shorter words rather than longer, with short sentences.
You should also avoid jargon. If you have to use specialist language, you should explain each word as you use it. If you find that you’ve had to explain more than about five words, you’re probably using too much jargon, and need to replace some of it with simpler words.
Consider your audience. If the report is designed to be written for a particular person, check whether you should be writing it to ‘you’ or perhaps in the third person to a job role: ‘The Chief Executive may like to consider…’, or ‘The minister is recommended to agree…’, for example.

A Final Warning

As with any academic assignment or formal piece of writing, your work will benefit from being read over again and edited ruthlessly for sense and style.
Pay particular attention to whether all the information that you have included is relevant. Also remember to check tenses, which person you have written in, grammar and spelling. It’s also worth one last check against any requirements on structure.
For an academic assignment, make sure that you have referenced fully and correctly. As always, check that you have not inadvertently or deliberately plagiarised or copied anything without acknowledging it.

Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/report-writing.html

الأحد، 4 يونيو 2017

how to delete gmail account

  1. Sign in to the Account preferences page.
  2. Click Delete products. You may need to sign in to your account again.
  3. Next to Gmail, click Delete .
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen, then choose Remove Gmail.

how to make a girl love you in school

If you're reading this, chances are you're at a stage in life where you're starting to notice girls in new ways. This can be both exciting and frustrating. After all, now that you have these feelings, what should you do with them? It might be a girl has already caught your eye. If that's true, then how should you go about showing your feelings for her? Girls tend to grow up faster than boys, so making sure you're acting mature for your age is an important first step. With patience, respect and a bit of good luck, you'll make a girl into your girlfriend before long.
Decide why you want a girlfriend. As a kid, it's important that you're trying to get a girlfriend for the right reasons. Trying to get a girlfriend just to look cool in front of you friends isn't fair to yourself, and it's certainly not fair to her. If there's a girl you have your eye on, make sure you want to be with her because you like her for who she really is. In the end, nothing else should matter as much.

Be mature for your age. [1] As a general rule, girls mature faster than boys, and things tend to stay that way until the end of being a teenager. With that in mind, throwing spitballs and acting like a clown isn't going to impress girls very much. You're going to have to act like a grown-up to prove to any girl that you're worth taking seriously as a boyfriend.
  • You can still goof off with your friends, but try to make a point of acting grown-up in most other areas in life. This includes getting good grades and being punctual for school.
  • If you're having trouble figuring out how to act like an adult, pick a couple of male role models in your life and try to take after them. They could be a father, uncle, teacher, anyone, so long as they're responsible and show a lot of maturity.
  • Introduce yourself.[2] If you haven't directly met the girl yet, you shouldn't waste too much time to introduce yourself. Once you think you've got the maturity down pat, make your existence known to her. While you might be wondering how you should go about it, usually the simplest approach is the best one. Here's a few examples:
    • Go up and say "Hi!" casually. this is the simplest thing you can do, and it's usually the best. Most girls are bound to feel pretty flattered by the fact you're giving them the attention.
    • Ask an ice-breaking question. Asking a casual question is a good way to start conversation with someone. Even something like asking for a pencil in the middle of class, and asking the time can be a good way to break the ice.
    • Following up your introduction with a quick compliment is good, because it immediately shows you're interested in her. It might sound like a brave thing to do, but no one's ever going to reject a compliment in their right mind!Find opportunities to spend time together. [3] Once you're on speaking terms with the girl, you should find opportunities to get to know her better. This can be very easy if you go to the same school as her. If you're in the same classes, make a point of sitting next to her-- that way, you two can collaborate on class projects. Sitting down together at lunch is good too, as it's a casual way
    • Ask her about herself. While you're getting to know her, make sure to ask lots of questions about things, whether it's her opinions, her goals or a bit about her life. All of these things will help you understand who she is. In turn, telling her about yourself will give her a better idea of what a unique and amazing person you are.
      • Be patient with this process. You shouldn't be going into this purely to get a girlfriend. Instead, you should be focusing in on getting to know her. Enjoy spending time with her! She'll be able to sense if you're just talking to her because you want a girlfriend.
      • In this time, you may well find that you're not as interested in her anymore as you thought you were. If this happens, don't try to force it to go any further; some girls you meet are going to be best kept as just friends.
       to get to know each other.
Hang out with her friends too. Girls place a lot of importance on what their friends think. If you want her to be your girlfriend, it goes a long way to have her friends like you. If you're not part of the same social circles, find an opportunity to spend time with them. That could mean asking to go with them to the mall, or even just sitting with their group at lunch if you go to the same school.
  • While you want to get to know her friends, make sure not to pay more attention to them than her. This is especially important if her friends are girls. If you give them too much attention, she might get the wrong impression you've got a crush on one of them!
  • Ask her out when the time is right. [4] This is a pretty crucial moment. Most of the time, if asking out a girl goes wrong, it's because it was rushed, or happened too soon. By the time you tell the girl how you feel, it should already be obvious to the two of you that you like each other. With that in mind, you shouldn't try asking unless you already have a pretty good idea she'll say yes.
    • Keep in mind that someone saying they like you would put you on the spot, too. Even if she does like you, she might get scared or feel awkward with that. Don't be too alarmed if she says something like that; keep hanging out with her and being her friend. If she sees that sincerity in you, she'll probably become a lot more comfortable and say yes in time.
    • Of course, there are other situations where it will be plainly obvious she isn't interested. This isn't always to do with you; there are lots of reasons a girl might not want to date someone. If that happens, you should shrug it off, think about your best qualities, and keep your eyes peeled for a new girl to connect with

how to block whatsapp group

Unfortunately, WhatsApp doesn't allow you to block a group per se. You can however, exit the group. And/or mute it.
To exit the group, click on the conversation header to show "Group info", then 

how to block someone on whatsapp

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Tap the Menu Button > Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked contacts.
  3. Tap the add contact icon.
  4. Select the contact you wish to block from the list.

how to know if you're blocked facebook

Getting blocked on Facebook is not fun for anyone, but if you also use Facebook for your small business, getting blocked can take on a whole new dimension in terms of unnerving experiences. Facebook makes the act of blocking someone a confidential matter and does not offer any tools to help you discover if you have been blocked or not. However, with a bit of detective work, you can usually determine if you have been blocked. Remember that just because someone is no longer visible in your list of friends does not necessarily mean you have been blocked. You may have been "unfriended," the person may have terminated their account or Facebook may have suspended their account. Third-party applications like Unfriend Finder and Who Deleted Me can show you when someone disappears from your list of friends but don't tell you if you have also been blocked.

Search Results

If someone has blocked you, rather than simply discontinued your friendship, his name will not show up in your account's search results. Try typing the person's name in the search field at the top of your Facebook home page. If you don't find that person, you may have been blocked. However, he may have simply changed his security settings to prevent anyone but friends from searching for him. Try logging out of Facebook or toggling to your business account (click the arrow in the upper right corner and select "Log In As"). Try searching for the person again. If the person is not visible in a public search or from your business account, you may have been blocked. If the person is visible in a public search, but not visible in a search from your personal account, you've been blocked.

Mutual Friend List

Mutual friends can be a good indicator to see if you have been blocked. Navigate to a profile of someone who was a mutual friend with the person you suspect has blocked you. A list of some of her current friends is on their profile page. Click the "See All" link at the top of the list. A search field appears at the top of the page, which you can use to type the person's name. If the person's profile appears, you have not been blocked. If it doesn't appear, you may have been blocked. While few people have their friends listed publicly, if you can find such a person, try logging out of Facebook and looking at their list of friends. If the person is visible there, but not when you were logged in, you have been blocked.

Wall Posts

If you can remember any posts the person has placed on your profile, business page or a mutual friend's page in the past, finding those posts now can indicate whether you've been blocked. If you have been blocked, the wall posts will still be visible, however his profile picture will be replaced with a question mark. Additionally, the person's name will be in black text and will no longer be a clickable link to his profile page.

Other Methods

So far, all of the above methods are ways you can determine if you have been blocked without drawing attention to yourself. To determine without a doubt if you have not been blocked, try sending a Facebook message to the person. If you receive a reply, you have not been blocked. You can also ask mutual friends if they have seen the person on Facebook recently. If no one has, the person may have terminated her account, or may have been suspended from Facebook. Lastly, you can ask your friends, or the person directly, whether you have been blocked.

how to know if you're blocked on viber

The symptoms such as not seeing the other one’s dp/ status, last seen, delivered can happen due to following reasons;
  • Other person might have deactivated his Viber account,
  • Viber app might have been uninstalled,
  • Poor internet connection (He/her might have gone on a trip :P)
  • You may be blocked :v
In case of the 1st three reason, the above mentioned symptoms might go away. However, if you have been blocked on VIber, then that’s irony. :D :P
But, there are some 3rd party apps such as Show Me Who, where you’re notified as soon as someone block you on Viber. I think they’re accessing the Viber database and retrieve Block requests sent by people in your contact list. Anyway, here’s how you do it.
  1. Download App & install
  2. Log in using Viber Username
  3. Allow access to contacts
  4. Enable Notifications
  5. Done !

how to unblock viber on iphone

1.  Select More Options menu
2.  Click Settings
3.  Select Privacy
4.  Click Block List
5.  Find the contact you wish to unblock
6.  Select Unblock

how to block someone on viber pc

  1. Tap your "Viber" app.
  2. Tap the "More" option. This is in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  3. Tap "Settings".
  4. Tap "Privacy".
  5. Tap "Block List".
  6. Tap "Add Number". You can find this option in the top right corner of the Block List page.
  7. Tap the name of a contact. ...
  8. Tap "Done" in the top right corner of your screen.

how to block/unblock someone on viber

Most of the chat apps like Whatsapp, Hangsout, Hike, etc. feature a "Block" option so as to prevent some annoying contacts or unknown numbers from sending you any messages or giving calls on your number. Viber, of course, is no exception.
Reason for Blocking
As one of the best new platform for communicating with our friends and family relatives, Viber can be used for various things like to receive/make free video call or send free text messages over the internet. However, some guys are trying to use this platform to send spam messages to other users. If you don’t want a particular number or contact to disturb you, you can easily block the contact on Viber. Here is what you should do:
To Block A Contact on Android Viber
1. Open Viber app on Android. (Make sure you’ve updated to the latest version)
2. In the contact list, open the contact you’d to Block.
3. Tap the icon on the upper right corner and select Block option.
Add Block Contact
To Block A Number on Android Viber
1. Launch Viber on your device.
2. Go to Settings > Privacy > Block List
3. Use the "+ Block Number" icon on the bottom to enter a number and add it to your blacklist.
Add Block Number
Report Spam
If others keep sending you spam messages, you can report the spammer to Viber by going to this page. Just select "Technical issue" and tell Viber you’re getting spam from the user. Make sure to tell Viber the spammer’s info including phone number.
To Unblock Someone on Android Viber
1. Go to Viber Settings > Privacy > Block List
2. There you will see list of blocked contacts /numbers, click on the Unblock button to remove the contact/number from the black list.
Unblock Contact

السبت، 3 يونيو 2017

Password Crackers and other related utilities...

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why not eat pork